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Payment Choice Alliance

The top priority of the Payment Choice Alliance is to ensure the British public get the Payment Choice they deserve.

How do the Alliance know what the British public believe they deserve?


YouGov conducted a survey on behalf of the Payment Choice Alliance in early June 2023.

That survey revealed that only 3% of the UK adult population have stopped using cash entirely. This in turn means than over 50 million adults continue to use cash.

So cash remains of great interest to the vast majority of the British public.

The survey also told us that 88% of the public do NOT support the UK becoming a so-called “cashless” society.

And how about a UK Payment Choice Act?

The survey confirmed that 71% of the British public want a law put in place to guarantee they cash can use their cash, where and when they choose.

And that law is what the Payment Choice Alliance will work very hard to deliver!

In this wide ranging interview, PCA Chair Ron Delnevo details the solutions required in the UK to guarantee the public and businesses have convenient cash services at community level

Newsletter Edition 1 Feb 2024
Payment Choice Ambassadors

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